Sunday, / February 16, 2025
Summer 2021 Magazine

Cover Story
Mystic Mountain: Safed, City of Sages, Seekers, and Soul
Lubavitch International explores Israel’s northern gem and the formation of a modern-day Chasidic colony.

Toward A Resilient Jewry
What are those truths for which we are hated? And how do we build resilience against this onslaught?

A Defense Of Torah Judaism
As a Chabad representative at a major university, I observe that students’ big questions today center on whether the religion delivers on its ethical promise…

A Man of the People in the City of Mystics
Teacher, preacher, proto-Chasidic outreacher? How Rabbi Moshe Alshich’s new approach to Torah teaching in sixteenth-century Safed prefigured the Chasidic movement two centuries later and half…

The Tzfat Kabbalists Collection
The rare manuscripts department at Chabad’s Central Library and Archive Center contains many original manuscripts penned by the great Kabbalists. Rabbi Moshe Cordevero (1482-1570), renowned…

Book Notes
The story of the dramatic rescue and emigration of thousands of Iranian Jewish students to America

Finding Fred After 80 Years
Off The Beaten Path: Chabad Houses You Didn’t Know Existed, Part 2

Holy Folly: Using Humor to Reach for G-d
How humor can make room for a deeper truth otherwise concealed by the apparitions of this world

Off The Beaten Path: Chabad Houses You Didn’t Know Existed, Part 1
Chabad Of San Miguel De Allende

July Game Changers: Bassie Shemtov
Friendship Circle Director Honored by Detroit Sports Teams

A Mom, A Torah, A Chuppah Ceremony
The thought that she would never get to stand with her son under the chuppah broke Elisheva (Irene) Solovey’s heart.
Lubavitch International
A beautiful, full color quarterly magazine with news from the Chabad-Lubavitch Global Network.
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