Tuesday, / October 22, 2024
Posts by: Raizy Metzger
24 Results
Sentimental About Plastic Bins
These bins are indestructible, I think — and so are the connections.
Blog: Progress In 180 Words
My special needs son has taught me to redefine progress. Checks on a chart, mastery of a "program" are a very small part of the…
Chabad Opens Yeshiva in Poland
The arrival of ten Yeshiva students last month from the Chabad Yeshiva in Montreal to the newly formed branch of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Warsaw…
Science and Torah: Conflict or Complement?
Some of today’s most hotly debated issues, including the instruction of evolution vs. the theory of intelligent design, the role of DNA testing in determining…
New Chabad House Opens In Warsaw
With the opening of a Chabad House in Warsaw, the city’s Jewish community will finally enjoy the full range of Jewish communal services offered by…
Celebrating 30 Years in Vancouver
Thirty years ago this month, when Rabbi Yitzchak and Henia Wineberg arrived in Vancouver, B.C. to establish a Chabad presence, there was little to be…
Terror Survivors in Israel Offer Thanksgiving
It’s usually the drama of tragic stories that make the news. Here’s one where near-tragedy turns to joy, and a family gets a second chance…
In the Aftermath of Terror: Chabad Reaches Out
When terror strikes in an Israeli city, throwing untold numbers of lives into painful chaos, it’s often hard to know precisely in which ways to…
New Educational Complex Opens In Moscow
Some 500 community members, sponsors and local dignitaries crowded a former bus depot in Moscow yesterday, celebrating the opening of the city’s newest site for…
Rosh Hashana in Monroe, Louisiana
What do you give to a community who has lost a good portion of their material possessions, along with their homes, jobs and secure future?…
Home for the Holidays
The High Holidays–Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the festive days following–invite powerful associations for many people. There’s the family you may see only rarely; friends…
It Takes A City . . .
It takes a village, they say, to raise a child. What then would it take to build a school in which to raise several hundred,…
Chabad to Terror Survivors: We Won’t Forget You
More than a thousand families of terror victims in Israel will be receiving a pre-Rosh Hashanah visit this week, courtesy of Chabad in Israel’s Terror…
Mining Treasures
Situated at the western foothills of the Ural Mountains in Russia, Perm’s local occupation can best be described as unearthing treasure. Rich in natural deposits,…
A Jewish Community Plants Roots in Cyprus
In a Jewish landscape as new and untouched as the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, practically every day marks another historic milestone for the Jewish community.…
A Chupah In Rosario, This Week, Next Week, The Week After . . .
In this city, Argentina’s second largest, traditional Jewish chupahs have been dominating the landscape recently, bringing Jewish residents together in song and celebration of age-old…
Chabad-Lubavitch National Campus Conference
According to Rabbi Nechemia Vogel, the life of a Chabad Rabbi and campus emissary can best be described as “as close as it gets to…
Education With Heart
What’s in a name? According to Rabbi Benny Zippel of Chabad of Utah, a lot. Having finally given “Project Heart” its official designation, he feels…
Principal of Chabad-Lubavitch School Appointed to Child Care Council
Rabbi Meir Muller’s recent appointment to the South Carolina Child Care Coordinating Council, bespeaks a collective milestone for Chabad-Lubavitch educators everywhere. Muller is the principal…
Children Parade for Jewish Unity
Some 25,000 people from across the Tri-State area turned out early this glorious Sunday morning to watch a Jewish unity parade make its way down…
Wrapping Tefillin in Brussels
Any way you turned at the annual Israeli Day Fair in Brussels, Belguim last week, there was one thing you couldn’t miss: A lively tefillin…
Russian Jews of Brighton Beach: Jewish and Proud
When Milana Feldman was growing up in Pyatigorsk, Russia, “borders” was a concept to be reckoned with. Under the tight grip of the Soviet Union,…
Got Purim?
If the worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch Purim experience were to be summed up, perhaps a postcard gimmick from a newly-opened Chabad branch in Ponte Vedra, Florida would…
Purim Ad Campaign Invites California Jewry to Celebrate the Holiday
“Purim is around the corner… and so are we” proclaims a series of full page ads placed last week by Chabad of California in Jewish…
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