Saturday, / July 27, 2024
Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch

The educational arm of Chabad ­Lubavitch. Essential to Chabad-Lubavitch’s operations is its goal to reach every Jew in the world, regardless of background and no matter how remote or isolated. Education is the key to this endeavor. Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, is the coordinating organization of these worldwide educational programs.

Kehot Publication Society
Under the leadership of his successor, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the Lubavitch publishing houses have brought Torah education to nearly every Jewish community in the world, and is the world's largest publisher of Jewish literature.
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Central Chabad Lubavitch Library
Throughout the Chabad movement's long history, beginning with its White Russian roots, a collection of books and manuscripts was at the center of the movement, in the Rebbe's house
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Everything in this world was created for a divine purpose. All forms of modern technology can and should be harnessed to make the world a better place and, in the case of Jews, to spread Judaism in the widest possible manner
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The Office of Education
The Merkos Chinuch - Education Office is a cohesive center for administrators, educators, students and parents of Chabad-Lubavitch educational institutions
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The National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education
In 1975, National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education, founded by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, may his merit protect us, began disseminating information and resources globally
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The National Campus Office
More than 325 Chabad Houses serve students on over 700 college campuses in 22 countries worldwide.
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The Jewish Learning Institute
The mission of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute is to inspire Jewish learning worldwide and to transform Jewish life and the greater community through Torah study.
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The Jewish Learning Network
Jnet provides business people, students and homemakers the opportunity to take some time out of their busy work week - whether at the office at home or even on the go - to study Torah...
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The Shluchim Office
Nearly twenty years ago, at the annual Kinus HaShluchim in New York, the Rebbe called for the establishment of The Shluchim Office.
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Jewish Educational Media
Jewish Educational Media has evolved into the multimedia archive responsible for maintaining a lifetime of images and sounds of the Rebbe, the Lubavitch movement, and Jewish outreach.
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The Shluchim Exchange
Over 1,500 Shluchim have joined the Exchange, from across the globe! Now they have instant advice to all their Shlichus needs. Be it a grant proposal, logo or a camp newsletter, Now it's just a click away!
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