Saturday, / July 27, 2024
Machne Israel

The Chabad­-Lubavitch social-service agency. Its resources and energies are devoted to caring for the social and reli­gious welfare of Jews around the world.

Colel Chabad
Established by the founder of Chabad Lubavitch, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi in 1788, Colel Chabad is among the oldest Jewish charitable foundations still in existence today.
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Machne Israel Development Fund
Formed by a core of prominent Jewish philanthropists dedicated to the growth of Jewish life and the greater vision of Jewish continuity.
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Tzivot Hashem
Tzivos Hashem: Jewish Children International is the foremost worldwide organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of Jewish children
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Mivtza Taharas Hamishpocho International
In 1975, Mivtza Taharas Hamishpacha, founded by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, may his merit protect us, began disseminating information and resources globally.
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Recent Articles files under Headquarters
Chabad-Lubavitch Partners With JFNA
JFNA and local Federations have worked together with Chabad-Lubavitch for many years on a wide variety of projects. Most recently, JFNA and Chabad have partnered…
Speaker of the Knesset Visits Chabad Headquarters
Speaker of the Knesset Amir Ohana, who is visiting New York, met with Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky at Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters Saturday night.  Ohana shared warm…
Statement By Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters On Thwarted Attack In Greece
We are grateful to local authorities in Greece who thwarted a recent terror attack aimed at various Jewish targets in the country, among them Chabad…
Court Confirms Chabad’s Exclusive Rights To Flagship Synagogue At 770 Eastern Parkway
“Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters is gratified by the decision handed down last week by the Civil Court of the City of New York, confirming exclusive rights…
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