Wednesday, / February 12, 2025
Articles Filed Under “Reflections”
Editorial: The People Of Israel Live
It was a sunny, balmy day when I visited the site of the Nova Festival, and the Nahal Oz army base several months ago. As…
Stringing and Piercing: A Reflection on the High Holiday Prayers
Where words fail us, the shofar comes forward. It pierces our souls and the very heavens with the reverberations of its sound.
Return: Reclaim, Relate, Reconnect
Research is showing that people spend less time socializing than they did twenty years ago
A Leader Who Transcends Himself
We present one of 12 essays that were published in the Lubavitch International Journal, Thirty Years: A Deeper Look, honoring the Rebbe’s legacy.
Serving G-d and Country: Senator Joe Lieberman
Senator Joe Lieberman, who died March 27, 2024 at the age of 82, was the most prominent Torah-observant politician. He kept Shabbat throughout his storied…
Remembering the Life of Rebbetzin Chaya Moussia Schneerson
Greatness comes in many forms. Often we imagine the character of a giant...
Reflections On Leadership
How would the Rebbe bring healing to survivors nursing shame and insecurity, wanting to hide their identity, to forget, to be left alone in their…
Humans on the Planet: Burden or Blessing? A Jewish Perspective.
When the miasma of the Canadian wildfires thousands of miles away endangered the health of millions, even the most skeptical were forced to take cover…
86th Street L’Chaim
Is there a lonelier place than the waiting room of a cancer hospital?
Spotting Moshiach In Midtown
What signs will tell us when the Moshiach (the Messiah) has finally arrived? That question was far from my mind when, recently, I booked a…
Make Her Name Great
My world turned upside down in the early hours of Monday, February 6th.  The time of the call—3:00 am—and the caller—my mother’s nursing home—telegraphed the…
Searching For My Seat At Kiddush
The spacious banquet hall housing the Kiddush was jammed with round tables that were filling up fast. Which one should I join?
Come And Hear: A Dad Defends Shabbat At Chabad
"Dad, isn’t it true that I can’t read from the Torah there?”
The TSA Speaks: An Elul Encounter
The Jewish month of Elul is the time when God is most accessible. It is the season when “the King is in the field”—meaning God’s…
Sentimental About Plastic Bins
These bins are indestructible, I think — and so are the connections.
A Light Goes Out: Reb Yoel Kahn (Kahan), 91
We mourn the passing of preeminent Chasidic scholar and teacher, Rabbi Yoel Kahan.
An Accounting of Love
Like all of us, I have tasted Egypt this year. I have borne the burden of worry; I have experienced the lack of control over…
Frissons Of Redemption
The theme of redemption is universal, and, perhaps this year more than ever, it resonates on many levels. Here, we invited some writers and poets…
“How Long Are You Going to Be On the Fence?”
Rabbi Yehoshua (Josh) Gordon, 66, Chabad representative of Encino, California since 1973, passed away on Chof Tes Shvat of 2016 after battling an illness. Tonight commemorates…
A Song for the Insane
Chabad Shluchim tell us how the individual challenges they’ve navigated in their personal lives have inured them to the stress of uncertainty and self-isolation. To…
A Teacher In Israel: Rabbi Adin Even-Yisrael Steinsaltz, 83
We mourn the passing this morning of Rabbi Adin Even-Yisrael Steinsaltz.
Managing the stress of uncertainty
Chabad shluchim tell us how the individual challenges they’ve navigated in their personal lives have inured them to the stress of uncertainty and self-isolation. To…
This past week was incredibly challenging for our family. As I have shared, my first cousin Rabbi Benny Wolff, Chabad rabbi in Hanover, tragically passed away…
Forever Young: On Marking Seventy Years
Professor Susan Handelman shares her reflections on turning seventy years old
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