Tuesday, / October 22, 2024
Posts by: Baila Olidort
273 Results
Oh, Barcelona!
In a country where religion is often met with skepticism, and where being a tiny minority makes Jewish life “not easy,” this is remarkable, observes…
It Happened At The Dinner Table
It’s the only state in the U.S. where support for Israel is as official as its state-issued motor-vehicle license plates. In 2014, when entrenched hostility…
The Kitchen Table and Other Sacred Spaces
As I spoke to the people who collaborated with their Chabad representatives on this project, I understood: they are not visitors and this was not…
Zaidy’s Passover Seder
Few holidays compete with Passover’s child-centered rituals. The seder packs customs and narratives enough to animate a child’s imagination all year round.
“We Need Your Prayers”
In September 2014, Lubavitch International ran a three-part series on the cities affected by the war. Three years later, we asked Rabbi Vishedski to update…
Woman’s Strength
Shluchot from all corners of the world gathered to draw inspiration and knowledge from an extended weekend jam-packed with workshops and events at the International…
In Conversation With Géza Röhrig, Lead Actor of Son of Saul
I hope that twenty years of Torah study has affected me. It wasn’t like during the shooting of the movie I suddenly thought of a…
Chabad at Johns Hopkins Hosts 13th Annual Dinner
“Chabad’s acronym for Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge and its central philosophy and goals are remarkably similar to the mission of The Johns Hopkins Hospital.”
Editorial: Face Value
Some years ago while working on a story about a Chabad representative who led a dramatic Jewish revival in a South American country, I interviewed…
“Tell Them It’s Never Too Late”
A world traveler, a long-time talk radio host, a man of remarkable knowledge and great musical talent, David O'Malley finally learned what it was that…
The Hertog Study: Tracking Jewish Continuity Through Chabad on Campus
A new third-party study on Chabad’s impact on Jewish students at American college campuses challenges Jewish philanthropic organizations to take a closer look at how…
Chabad at University of Wisconsin Wins Motion To Expand
It was a textbook case of competing values. The need for vibrancy and growth vs the desire to preserve the historic came head to head…
A Homecoming: 500 Chabad Rabbis Convene in Russia
500 Chabad representatives from former Soviet countries and Europe convene in Russia once again
We Used To Call It A Mitzvah
The other day I heard someone say Chabad was “a humanitarian Jewish organization.” I cringed. She had just come from an event promoting a “groundswell…
Elie Wiesel: “Therefore Be Jewish”
The passing this Shabbat, June 2, of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, has been garnering reactions from leaders and laypeople around the world. A prolific author…
Editorial: Making the Exodus Personal
As the UN and the EU continue to stoke the fires of anti-Semitism with their sanctimonious condemnations of Israel, here in the U.S., a spate…
With the Women of Chabad: Time To Heal, Time To Celebrate
It was a celebration of Jewish women who saw past differences and disparities in age, language, cultural backgrounds, and economic status.
Finding Family, Faith, Future With Chabad of Binghamton
Tevye the dairyman was at a loss to explain the whys and wherefores of his Jewish traditions. Not so the digital natives and newly minted…
Judea Lives: Chanukah Lights Answer To Terror
“Chabad is determined to remind people everywhere of this holiday’s historic message, and we will do that with the lights of the menorah that we…
Old Wells, Fresh Water
The secret is out. The invitation is an open one, offered by the Rebbe's shluchim round the world: before you go looking far afield and…
PROFILE IN COURAGE: The Tzadik of Leningrad
Rabbi Yitzchak Kogan knows the lay of the land in a land where knowing was dangerous. He did what needed to be done even when…
Like the Students of Aaron
Shabbat Bereishit marks the beginning of a new cycle of weekly Torah readings. With it comes the invitation to study Torah anew, to “turn it…
Interview with Russian Transportation Magnate David Aminov
Russian businessman and philanthropist David Aminov exudes a mellow humility, weighing his words thoughtfully as he considers Jewish identity, commitment and the revival of Jewish…
Abandoned in Kharkiv? Community in Crisis Struggles for Survival
Kharkiv’s Jewish community’s leaders are holding together a now fragile phenomenon, working to maintain the infrastructure, the programs and services they’ve painstakingly established to raise…
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