Wednesday, / May 8, 2024
Articles Filed Under “Education”
Chabad Hebrew Day School Goes Green
Soaking up the brilliant California sunshine, 189 new solar panels atop the roofs of Chabad's Hebrew Academy in Huntington Beach are teaching students a living…
Russia’s Chief Rabbi Decries Church’s Possible Intrusion In Public School
The Federation of Jewish Communities marked its 10-year anniversary during the Jewish umbrella organization’s  Fourth Congress this week. The occasion elicited warm greetings by Russian…
Building Houses, Doing Mitzvahs: Ramaz Students, Chabad-Lubavitch and Habitat for Humanity
( President’s Day Weekend is off time for most high school students, but in York, PA, a group of sixteen Ramaz students got down and…
Through Study and Stipend, Chabad Program in CIS Increases Jewish Marriages
( Maria Karetina, 23, lives in Vladivostok, Russia. Since completing university last year, she has been working as a French-English translator for a large firm.…
International Mikvah Website To Be Revamped
(, the leading website for Jewish family life, is the grateful recipient of a significant grant that will make researching mikvah a newly rewarding…
Rabbinic Response to Intelligent Design Debate in New Volume of Science/Torah Periodical
Jewish educators and scholars struggling to reconcile scientific thought with Torah views, will find the recently published volume of B'or Ha'Torah Journal of Science, Life…
Chabad’s Jewish Learning Institute To Probe Fundamentals of Faith
( How did the world get here? If the Universe has a Creator, does He run the world? How does G-d communicate with us? Who…
Brazil: Chabad Activities Focus on Intermarriage Prevention
( Eduardo Rothschild I. Caras is grateful he was not among the 300 beachgoers stung by jellyfish in S. Paulo on Sunday.  The 15 year-old…
Chabad Flagship Yeshiva: A Winter Break Destination
( David Altman figures he’s in for a lot of vacuuming when he gets home. His wife, Alicia, pregnant with their fourth child, gave him…
Mayanot Yeshiva Opens Women’s Division in Jerusalem
( The graduating senior has had her last Chabad on campus Shabbat dinner; the birthrightisrael experience is over. But the idea is to keep that…
Chabad Unveils Talmudic Study Program In 15 Cities
( Yeshiva boys typically crack their first Talmudic sugiya (problem) at a young age. The dense Aramaic text, the endless back and forth of argument…
Chabad-Lubavitch Announces Partnership With Bramson ORT
( Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, the educational arm of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, announced the establishment of a new Jewish vocational training school in partnership with International…
On Stem Cell and Other Matters: A Conference Explores the Torah-Science Nexus
Is Judaism’s belief in free will compatible with concepts of genetic predestination? Are there links between contemporary neuroscience and Kabbalistic concepts of consciousness? How does…
Chabad Celebrates Chanukah With Special Needs Children
Fifty children with various developmental delays and physical challenges and seventy-five teenage volunteer buddies will craft menorahs, played dreidel games and sing together at at…
Chabad Conference Initiatives: Jewish Adult Education Goes Online
If online MBA programs and YouTube got together and had a smart Jewish baby, it would probably bear a striking resemblance to Chabad-Lubavitch’s newborn distance…
Cracking the Talmud, New Curriculum Solves 500-Year Conundrum
Long the shibboleth separating the serious scholar from the also-rans, the skills needed to decipher a page of Talmud are being arranged into a comprehensive…
Jewish Children in Public School: Chabad to Combat Assimilation
A conspicuous 66% of Jewish kids are missing in action. They are, according to National Jewish Population and Avi Chai studies, the number of Jewish…
A School, A Community, Grows with Chabad in Houston
The number of Jewish Day Schools in the U.S. has been on the rise for some time now.  The AVI CHAI Foundation’s census of Jewish…
Young Readers, Jewish Day Schools, Gear Up for Kehot’s (Chabad) 2007 Book-A-Thon
The 21 days from November 4-25 promise to be quiet ones for Jewish children around the world who have signed up for the Kehot Book-A-Thon.…
PROFILE: Rabbi Dovid Okunov, Noted Chabad Personality Remembered
It was 28 years ago this week that Rabbi Dovid Okunov, a bold Russian activist for Judaism who risked death defying communist authorities by teaching…
Chabad Leaders Support Illinois Law Mandating Moment of Silence
Since the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed mandatory school prayer in 1962, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, advocated passionately for, at minimum, a moment of…
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