Tuesday, / October 22, 2024
Posts by: Rebecca Rosenthal
90 Results
For Chabad Representatives to Bangalore, A New Baby
(lubavitch.com) If Israeli backpackers spurn Bangalore in favor of spicier locales in India, why is Chabad opening its next outpost there? According to Rabbi Yosef…
Smart Publicity and Messages of Empowerment Draw Greater Numbers To Chabad’s Rosh Hashana Services
(lubavitch.com) Wall Street bailouts, iPhones, and stratospheric gas prices are bringing more marginally affiliated Jews to Rosh Hashanah services say rabbis across the United States.…
In Serbia, Bosnia, Jewish Numbers Dwindling, Say Chabad Rabbis
(lubavitch.com) Bosnian and Serbian Jews see the war crimes trial of former president Radoyan Karadzic, which continues in The Hague this Friday, as a sign…
Portland Chabad Rabbi Wins Right To Hold Prayer Services At Home
(lubavitch.com) Faced with an outpouring of support from a very diverse group, Maine’s zoning board reversed its decision to prohibit a Chabad rabbi from hosting…
Jewish Academic Society Now At 44 Universities Nationwide
(lubavitch.com) In 2007, a Jewish academic society quadrupled its affiliated campuses and saw a record number of Jewish students complete its intensive course of study. Chabad…
Wiki Platform Reinvents Torah Teaching in the Classroom
(lubavitch.com) An international group of Jewish teachers is setting out to change how Torah is taught, and if you can wiki, you can join them.…
Court Rules In Favor of Condo’s Right to Remove Mezuzah
(lubavitch.com) A federal court ruling that denied a Chicago condo resident’s right to hang a mezuzah on her front door incensed a local legislator and…
With iCamp Robotics, Gan Israel Campers Get Hi-Tech, Hi-Jewish Camping
(lubavitch.com) Levi Stein is a Chabad rabbinical student from Michigan. Neil Voss is studying finance at a college in Fresno, CA. This summer they are…
In S. Petersburg, A Text Message Leads To Life Changes
(lubavitch.com) For many of the 100 S. Petersburg teenagers celebrating at an elaborate mass bar and bat mitzvah, their journey to the Jewish rite of…
Differences Wash Aside In Chabad’s Iowa Flood Relief
(lubavitch.com) News crew trucks have reeled in their satellite feeds and driven off to the next big story, but Iowans spent the weekend dragging the…
Andy Statman to Perform With Chabad at Chicago’s Center for Performing Arts
(lubavitch.com) As summer music festival season begins to fill parks and parking lots with sweet harmony and raucous chords, Illinois’s Lubavitch Chabad community is celebrating…
Aleph’s New Home To Help Jewish Inmates Build New Lives
(lubavitch.com) Pennsylvania, home of the U.S.’s second highest number of federal prisons, right after Texas, sees more than seven out of ten inmates return to…
From Rejection to Love . . . of Israel, Chabad Inspires Israelis Who Leave
(lubavitch.com) Born, raised and drafted in Israel, Tzahi Itzhak Armoni made his first visit to the Cave of Matriarchs and Patriarchs, one of Judaism’s holiest…
Students at 500 Campuses Celebrate the Seders With Chabad
(lubavitch.com) For some, counting pages in the Haggadah until the “let’s eat” portion of the Seder is as much of a ritual as eating the…
Netanyahu Speaks to JLI’s Mission To Israel
(lubavitch.com/lns) A contingent of 300, from Brazil, Australia, Finland, the US and Canada, who spent months studying Israel’s enduring centrality to Judaism, has just returned…
UPenn Politicos Break for Bi-Partisan Shabbat With Chabad
(lubavitch.com/lns) Passions are running high as Pennsylvania’s presidential primary nears. Pundits are squabbling. Campaign lackeys are slinging mud. But at Chabad-Lubavitch House at Penn, Penn…
At USC, Jewish Fraternities And Chabad, “Natural Partners”
(lubavitch.com/LNS) All twenty pledges at USC’s newest fraternity turned their first Friday night as brothers into Shabbat at Chabad last week. Rohr Chabad Jewish Student…
At UIC, Chabad Restores Jewish Pride to Chicago’s Maxwell St.
(lubavitch.com/lns) The last time Chicago’s Maxwell Street neighborhood saw this much Jewish activity, pushcarts and Model T’s were clogging the streets. When Chabad representatives Rabbi…
Taglit-BirthrightIsrael:Mayanot First Tour For Special Needs Visitors
(lubavitch.com/LNS) Fragile X syndrome, a mental impairment that affects IQ, hasn’t stopped Scott Heyman, 27, from living in his own apartment or holding down a…
Children With Special Needs and Their Parents Applaud Chabad’s Friendship Circle
“A model for a Jewish People unified by shared goals and ideals,” is how Dr. Talya Fishman describes Friendship Circle of Chabad of the Delaware…
Business Guru Michael Gerber Offers to Streamline Chabad Centers’ Operations
Small business guru Michael Gerber’s E-Myth Revisited sold over 1,000,000 copies, and is licensed in 16 languages. His consulting firm has coached 50,000 small businesses…
In U.S.A. Chabad Habla Espanol!
(lubavitch.com/LNS) It’s not bagels and lox at La Sinagoga de Jabad de Coral Springs brunch. Here the fare is arepas and cheese pies, a taste…
Increasingly, American Adult Jewish Males Request Ritual Circumcision
(lubavitch.com/LNS)  “Culturally Jewish” is the self-described label offered up by Russell Harmon, a 19-year-old City Island, NY, native currently pursuing a degree in computer science…
Port Washington: Jewish Life is Booming Here
You don’t find many storefront houses of prayer in Port Washington, NY. A modest home carries a $1 million price tag, double that for a…
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