Tuesday, / October 22, 2024
Articles Filed Under “Premium”
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Above The Fray
Judaism is neither liberal, nor progressive, nor conservative. It is Judaism. It precedes all of these categories, cuts through them, and floats above them. The…
Perth, Australia: Where the Swan River Meets the Southwest Coast
One afternoon in early September, four young men stepped onto Trigg Beach, a haven for surfers just north of Perth, Australia. A spring storm was…
To Pray Alone: Days of Awe in the Age of Covid-19
Marc Zell was used to traveling, just not like this. The American-Israeli is an international lawyer, and it was his work in political consulting that…
A Song for the Insane
Chabad Shluchim tell us how the individual challenges they’ve navigated in their personal lives have inured them to the stress of uncertainty and self-isolation. To…
A Jewish School Beyond Borders
Sixth-grader Hadasa Perez has never met her teacher. Or her classmates.   Yet, while parents, teachers, and children around the world are flailing like fish out…
A Turf War Between Homeless Street Performers, A Rabbi’s Resolution
“Are you mad at me, Rabbi?” My mind began to race through possibilities, “Why would I be mad at this stranger?” To Read The Full…
Wine, Torah, and Song
After years of intensive training and a brilliant debut, a budding opera star took a trip to Israel and finally found his voice. To Read…
Managing the stress of uncertainty
Chabad shluchim tell us how the individual challenges they’ve navigated in their personal lives have inured them to the stress of uncertainty and self-isolation. To…
Hippy In the Mikvah
“The Rebbe encouraged me to continue with the doctorate. I blurted out, ‘But what about the heresy?’ The Rebbe answered: ‘You should write all the…
Hanover, Germany: A Tragedy and a Choice
Fifteen years ago, Zev Iluz’s phone rang. The Israeli expat had settled in Hanover, Germany, to escape the pressures of life in Israel. He wanted…
Pandemic And Priorities
Hospitals agonize over the allocation of limited medical supplies; city officials weigh the risk of an outbreak against the crushing cost of a prolonged lockdown.…
A Final Passage, From China to Israel
A Jewish man dies alone in Suzhou, China. Chabad engages an international effort to prevent cremation and bring his body for burial to Israel. To…
Friendship Circle: Embracing the Individual
The sound of blaring sirens heralded a flashing motorcade of fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars driving down her block. To Read The Full Magazine…
The First Outpost: Casablanca, Morocco
In the early 1950s, these young couples were dispatched by the Rebbe to Morocco to help its illustrious, Sephardic Jewish community under threat. To Read…
Adopted at Age 91, A Holocaust Survivor Finds Love and Hope
Patty Picarelli wasn’t very hopeful as she dialed the number for the Chabad Jewish Center of Barrie, Ontario. To Read The Full Magazine Story Log…
Two Universities React as Antisemitism Steps Out of the Shadows
While college administrators debate the limit of free speech, Chabad campus leaders take action. To Read The Full Magazine Story Log In Subscribe Subscriptions to…
A Hebrew School Becomes A Community
How has one innovative Hebrew School made the Big Apple the city of choice for Jewish families? To Read The Full Magazine Story Log In…
Popping Bottles With Intention
“I’m still popping bottles, but instead of popping them at a bar or nightclub, it’s at the Shabbat table. It’s the same hustle but with…
Growing Gains in Toronto
Even as he cut the ribbon on the doors of the Romano Chabad Centre, Rabbi Mendel Bernstein knew it was too small. To Read The…
Marathon Man
Jeremy Cooper, 26, is “running” a marathon, leining every Shabbat for the next 1,000 weeks. Weekday mornings, the Columbia University MBA candidate will get his…
Changing the Jewish Narrative
For many, Belgrade's Jewish community is defined by the tragedy of the Holocaust. But as a new movement devoted to changing the narrative grows, the…
Ideal Partnerships For An Ideal Cause
Studies tracking charitable contributions consistently find that the American Jewish community is overrepresented. Philanthropy is a tremendous point of Jewish pride, but all too often,…
Black Fire, White Fire
Although it’s a staple of the synagogue service, the reading of the Torah remains something of a mystery to many. Here’s an up-close look at…
Odessa’s Orphans
The Ukrainian port city of Odessa has seen a Jewish Renaissance in recent decades. Its now robust infrastructure of Jewish schools and community centers, packed…
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