Tuesday, / October 22, 2024
Articles Filed Under “Holiday & Shabbos”
Paying for Passover
In a tight economy, it takes smarts and efficiency for Chabad representatives to bring Passover to their communities.
Purim Journal Part II
Friday Morning  Got up early this morning. Drove out towards a hotel where we were going to make sure the Jewish guests knew about Chabad…
Purim Notes From The Chasidic Rebbes
Mordechai was a Benjaminite, but he is called "Yehudi,” literally meaning a descendant of the tribe of Yehudah. Likewise, the Megillah refers to the Jewish…
Purim in Hollywood
With its weekend parties and packed bars, outlandish clubs and celebrity-studded Sunset Strip, Chabad of Los Feliz has learned how to compete for a crowd.
Crunch Time: Rolling Out Passover Matzahs in December
Until the last few decades, they were available only at select Judaica shops or in Brooklyn storefronts. These days, the crispy confections can be had…
Chanukah First At Staples Center
"Fans came out to support their team and were privileged to witness the first Menorah lighting at Staples Center," said Rabbi Backman.
At McGill University, Jewish Students Host Inaugural Shabbat Dinner
On a recent Friday night, Rabbi Shmuly Weiss and his wife Rashi were guests in their own Montreal home.
Uruguayan President Vázquez meets with Chabad
Uruguayan President Tabaré Vázquez met last Monday with members and friends of Chabad-Lubavitch of Uruguay, headed by Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov.
Menorah Lights To Shine At the Games
In town squares and shopping malls and along well-travelled highways, the Menorah lights are a familiar sight. And now, they shine in sporting arenas from…
A Hakafah for Daniel Pearl
The Jewish American journalist murdered by Al Qaeda terrorists in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2002, would have celebrated his 46th birthday on Simchat Torah.     …
In Central Africa, Chabad Helps Jews Celebrate High Holidays
  Several hours before Rosh Hashanah set in, Chabad Rabbi Shlomo Bentolila found himself in the offices of Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic…
Sushi in the Sukkah, Pizza in the Hut, Hookah in the Sukkah . . . It’s Holiday Time on Campus
The recent University of Colorado graduate will spend the entire Thursday and Friday assembling...            
Submariner At Sea Calls On Chabad For High Holy Day Prayer Texts
What’s a submariner at sea to do on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur without a prayer book? Shortly before the Jewish New Year set in,…
Israeli Children Explore Rosh Hashanah at Bee Farm
On a recent field trip with south Tel Aviv’s Camp Neve Eliezer, eighty children, all clad in shorts, sandals, and matching baseball caps, clapped and…
Getting Ready for Rosh Hashana: Adults, Children Learn Hands-On With Chabad
Shofar Factories are popping up in cities across the globe, attracting children to explore the significance of the shofar and the holiday it represents...
Chabad of Israel Prepares To Welcome 130,000 More Jews To High Holiday Services
Chabad-Lubavitch of Israel is expecting to greet an additional 130,000 Jews.
Once in a Rare Sun: Birkat Hachamah
(lubavitch.com) The waxing and waning of the moon is regularly celebrated in Jewish life. The Jewish calendar is based on the lunar cycle, familiar to…
Coming Back for Seconds: Friday Nights with Chabad on Campus
(lubavitch.com) They come for the free food. And they come back for everything else. Students on 340 college campuses worldwide say that a highlight of…
Lightning Up Chanukah
(lubavitch.com) Some 500 Jewish fans noshed on Glatt kosher hot dogs Thursday as Tampa Bay Lightning and the Colorado Avalanche played an intensely tight game.…
UNITE THE LIGHTS: Jewish Organizations Coordinate Chanukah Memorial Lighting Campaign
(lubavitch.com) Unite the Lights, a grassroots, nationwide menorah lighting campaign will honor the memory of the Mumbai terror victims this Chanukah. The campaign aims to…
On Campus, A Females-Only Shabbat With Chabad
(lubavitch.com) Friday, November 21st is Michelle Bentsman’s 19th birthday. It will be her first birthday as a student at the University of Chicago. And she…
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