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At McGill University, Jewish Students Host Inaugural Shabbat Dinner
On a recent Friday night, Rabbi Shmuly Weiss and his wife Rashi were guests in their own Montreal home.
By David Lipson

Reinterpreting The Latke, Deconstructing the Doughnut
( Latkes with applesauce and sour cream may be a familiar favorite, but Pessy Haskelevich is serving them instead with a side of pear and…
By David Lipson

New Synagogue Goers Find Easy Welcome At Chabad
The Jewish High Holiday services are sometimes viewed as fashion shows where tickets are hawked at Super Bowl prices. As Rosh Hashanah approaches on Friday,…
By David Lipson

Toronto Developer Fulfills Jewish Congregation’s Dream
Toronto developer Mario Romano wanted to give back to the Jewish community that has helped him prosper. But when the 57-year-old donated three acres of…
By David Lipson

Chabad Combats Hate At York University With Enhanced Jewish Involvement
Vidal Bekerman uses a spiritual approach when addressing anti-Semitism and anti-Israel rhetoric at York University in Toronto.
By David Lipson
Children Learn Through Art and Community Service At A Toronto Chabad School
A new Chabad center in an unlikely Toronto neighborhood is getting noticed for its unique Hebrew arts school. Chabad of York Mills quietly opened before…
By David Lipson

Seattle Jewish Day School Secures $3.5 Million Property
A Jewish day school near the University of Washington has left the Chabad center it has called home for the last 35 years, for a…
By David Lipson
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