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El Al Passengers Stranded in Thailand, Do Shabbat With Chabad
( Extra places were added to the Chabad of Thailand Shabbat table this past weekend after mechanical problems delayed the takeoff of an El-Al flight…

Vatican Responds to Yad L’Achim Appeal
( The Vatican responded this week to a request from the Yad L’Achim organization for action on “hidden Jewish children” of the Holocaust. Archbishop Antonio…
Israel’s Foreign Minister Takes Time With Chabad on His Birthday
( Israel’s foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman, met with U.S. envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, on Tuesday. It was also Lieberman's birthday, so despite…

Israel’s Welfare, Social Services Ministry Exhibit in Kfar Chabad
( Close to 400 social workers, teachers, program directors, immigrants, parents and students were at the Ohr Simcha Yeshiva in Kfar Chabad last week for…

Chabad Remembers Israel’s Efraim Katzir
( Efraim Katzir, Israel’s fourth president who served from 1973 to 1978, internationally recognized biophysicist, and Zionist activist, died Saturday evening in his home at…

Chabad Reaches Out To Japan’s Jewish Inmates
( It’s two days before Shavuot, and Rabbi Mendy Sudakevich has just returned from visiting several prisons in Tokyo. “I’ve got one more to go…
Encountering Chabad at Hanover Israel Day Festival
( Sunday’s fourth annual Israel Day Festival in Hanover, Germany drew more than 1000 local Jews and featured Jewish, Israeli, religious and cultural attractions, including…

Jewish Organization Implores Pope To Help Identify Hidden Children of Holocaust
( Pope Benedict XVI’s scheduled visit to Israel May 11-15 is eliciting mixed reactions among Israelis. But Chabad Rabbi Shalom Dov Lifshitz hopes the visit…

Israeli Community Marks 30-Day Mourning Period
( The Israeli settlement village of Bat Ayin near Jerusalem completed thirty days of mourning over the weekend for 13 year old Shlomo Nativ who…

The Rebbe’s Views Cited In Israel’s Supreme Court Landmark Decision
( Working parents can deduct childcare expenses from their taxes, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled Thursday in a landmark decision which upheld a Tel Aviv District…

Challenge Aspen Chabad Project Welcomes Disabled Israeli Soldiers
( On June 21, 2002 Israel soldier Kfir Levy’s Givati unit was operating in the Gaza strip, responding to terrorist rocket strikes and artillery fire,…
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