Sunday, / February 16, 2025
Spring 2022 Magazine

Cover Story
I Will Learn It on a Train, I Will Learn It in the Rain
What was once the province of an elite few is now available for free online in every language

Seders To Remember: Pickpocket At The Prison Seder
Rabbinical students travel the world, bringing the entire Seder to Jews who live far from the madding crowds. Here are some glimpses of their experiences.

It’s Never Too Late
Across every segment of Jewish life, in America and elsewhere, we are seeing a demand for genuine, substantive, Torah study opportunities

Howard Glowinsky: Letter To My Children
Individuals who have come to Torah study as adults reflect upon something that they have learned

Judge Hollie Levine: To Think Like A Torah Scholar
Individuals who have come to Torah study as adults reflect upon something that they have learned

The Self I Tried To Lose
Individuals who have come to Torah study as adults reflect upon something that they have learned

The King’s Cups
Individuals who have come to Torah study as adults reflect upon something that they have learned

We’re Taking the Ramp
There are seventy “faces” to the Torah, says the Midrash. Like a prism refracting disparate colors of light, Torah enlightens the entire spectrum of humankind…

Let My People Know!
Torah study isn’t just for school, or only in the shul. It isn’t limited to a particular age or stage in life, nor to a…

A Question of Social Tact
In this feature, we invited individuals who have come to Torah study as adults, to reflect upon something that they have learned.

Anatomy of a Law
Most commandments in the Torah are so cryptic that a straightforward perusal will leave the reader without the knowledge necessary to understand or fulfill them

Memories of the Heart
Elisha Wiesel speaks with Lubavitch International about his famous father and raising his children to love Yiddishkeit

Small Town, Small Miracles, Big Impact
A Chabad couple puts their gift for leadership, friendship, and partnership to work, enriching the Jewish community of Las Cruces, NM

Haggadah Marginalia
The Haggadah is one of those oceanic Torah texts. It invites continual return and reengagement, as we come back each year at the seder, to…

Better Than Birthday Cake
Chabad communities around the world are launching a truly ambitious 1,210 new institutions.
Lubavitch International
A beautiful, full color quarterly magazine with news from the Chabad-Lubavitch Global Network.
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