Sunday, / February 16, 2025
Articles Filed Under “Hospital”
Ep. 47: Putting “Hospitality” in “Hospital” At Mayo
Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters presents Episode 47 of its podcast series about the personal struggles and achievements of Chabad representatives
California Chabad Rabbi Donates Kidney
Paul, a resident of Northern California’s Bay Area, was not likely to make it to his 60th birthday. Advanced kidney disease meant that he’d need…
Ep. 32: Connecting Two Generations Of Rabbis In A Boston NICU
The 32nd episode in its series about the personal struggles and achievements of Chabad representatives Launches New Podcast
Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier is a bimonthly podcast focusing on Chabad emissaries, or shluchim, their personal struggles and the people…
A Stranger in the Land
I had never seen thirty-three degrees Fahrenheit on the weather forecast. My English isn’t great, and I felt so alone.
A Warm Hug on a Cold, Lonely Street
About five years ago, I was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which causes thickening of the heart muscle.
Virtual Hugs for the Hospitalized
Rachel* clutched the package close to her chest, in her room at Morristown Medical Center. In the hospital for a month as she is treated…
NYU’s Longest COVID Patient Released
“This is the moment I have been praying for from the moment I woke up at NYU this summer,” said Rabbi Yudi Dukes, Thursday, appropriately,…
Rabbi Dukes Conscious and Communicating
Borough President recognizes Rabbi hospitalized since March from COVID19
Pandemic And Priorities
Hospitals agonize over the allocation of limited medical supplies; city officials weigh the risk of an outbreak against the crushing cost of a prolonged lockdown.…
Fighting For His Life, A Rabbi Inspires Music and Mitzvot
Sarah Dukes is sure that her comatose husband hears the music she plays for him. The accomplished composer sits at her piano every night, her fingers…
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