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Project Six Keeps Teens Active in the Jewish Community
Keeping teenaged girls excited about Judaism is the goal of Project Six, six weeks of Jewish oriented activities to keep the girls involved and active…

Chabad Launches the First Online International School For Jewish Children
Eyes glued to the screen, seven-year-old Devorah S. of Ithaca, NY, listens intently to her teacher’s voice through her headset. Devorah has 15 classmates whom…
“Stars” Students Celebrate Bar Mitzvah
The Jewish community in Ukraine celebrated the bar mitzvahs of two of the students at the “Stars” Program. An educational program directed at college aged…
Chabad Provides Assistance For Sderot Terror Victims
The Chabad Terror Victim Project offers emotional and financial support to the victims of the recent Sderet missile attack, reports the Israeli publication Hamodea. With…
News Briefs: Orthodox Jews and Muslims Join To Fight Drug Abuse
Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin of Chabad of Redbridge, UK is teaming up with Imam Haroon Rashid Patel of the Balfour Road Mosque Muslims to help provide…
News Briefs: Jewish Students Explore Judaism at Ski Resort
Jewish students on winter break took in some intensive exploration at Running Springs, California, during a Ski and Learn Retreat organized by the Chabad on…
Jewish Camp Experience For Sunnyvale Children
The Sunnyvale Sun reports that 23 children experienced real Jewish living at a winter camp by Chabad of Sunnyvale. Field trips and camp activities in…
News Briefs: Charity Box Display for Educational Programs
Artists in the Miami Valley of Ohio are decorating tzedakah boxes as part of a tzedakah box display that is being sponsored by Chabad of…
News Briefs: Colel Chabad Assists Housebound Residents In Snow
When snowfall in Northern threatened to leave disabled and elderly residents stuck at home without food, Colel Chabad was ready to help. In preparation for…
News Briefs: Flying Challahs Spread Jewish Traditions in Upstate NY
Rabbi Yossi Rubin of Clifton Park, followed by Rabbi Abba Rubin of Saratoga Springs, have started a weekly tradition of surprising Jewish residents with a…
News Briefs: New Jewish Community Center Opens in Siberia
Many public figures, reports, including Deputy Vassily Kuzubov, Mayor Petr Pimashkov as well as representatives from nearby Jewish communities and other religious leaders attended…
News Briefs: Chanukah Lights in Jail
Jewish inmates in the Harris County Jail are making history this Chanukah. In addition to the first time ever candle lighting ceremony that will take…
News Briefs: Peaceful Protests in Favor of Public Menorah
The citizens of Fort Collins, CO responded with a campaign of support when Rabbi Gorelick, director of the Chabad Jewish Center of Northern Colorado, was…
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