Wednesday, / October 23, 2024
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News Briefs: Colel Chabad Assists Housebound Residents In Snow

By , Jerusalem, Israel

When snowfall in Northern threatened to leave disabled and elderly residents stuck at home without food, Colel Chabad was ready to help. In preparation for the anticipated snow, the Colel Chabad in Jerusalem and Tsfat contacted both social services and emergency services to ensure that no one would go unassisted.

Colel Chabad runs 13 soup kitchens in Jerusalem, Tsfat, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Dimona, Yerucham, Lod, and Ramle. In addition, they also operate a Meals on Wheels service to thousands of housebound people. Though the expected freeze up did not occur, the residents of Jerusalem and Tsfat have been reassured of their safety


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