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Can An Underfunded School Actually Transform a Community?
Small Jewish day schools—those with less than 100 students—occupy a fragile place in our society. Located outside of centralized Jewish communities, these schools must fight…

When Swiping Left Falls Short
What does the world at large have to learn from Chasidic dating? That is the question Evan Beloff and Oscar-winning producer Frederic Bohbot, two young,…

It Takes A (Jewish) Village
In a place where the Chanukah aisle at Target is tiny, like the kosher aisle in the local supermarket, Jewish parenting means being proactive. “Here…

Jewish Cemetery Vandalized in Ukraine
A few days before UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres pronounced anti-Semitism “alive and well,” the Jewish cemetery of Svalyava, Ukraine, was vandalized.

Small Town, Big Dreams
In a small corner of southwestern New Jersey lies little known Gloucester County. In 2007, with a Jewish population of about 1,000, the sleepy town…

Teens and Seniors Link Hearts
At a time when most middle-schoolers and teenagers are preoccupied with their Snapchat stories or the latest Adidas shoe, Shelly Klein finds it a refreshing…

New Kids on the Block
As far as neighborhoods go, South of Market does not have the best reputation. The half-square-mile area is patchwork of abandoned warehouses and organic juice…

Baking Bread in Brooklyn
An educational matzah experience attracts over 2,000 visitors a season—including the occasional senator.
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