Saturday, / July 27, 2024
Articles Filed Under “Features”
The King’s Cups
Individuals who have come to Torah study as adults reflect upon something that they have learned
We’re Taking the Ramp
There are seventy “faces” to the Torah, says the Midrash. Like a prism refracting disparate colors of light, Torah enlightens the entire spectrum of humankind…
Let My People Know!
Torah study isn’t just for school, or only in the shul. It isn’t limited to a particular age or stage in life, nor to a…
A Question of Social Tact
In this feature, we invited individuals who have come to Torah study as adults, to reflect upon something that they have learned.
Rifka’s Hot & Cold Journey to Judaism
After her stormy teenage years, Rifka Chilungu gave up on atheism, got hooked on Judaism, and missed her college graduation to attend a Brooklyn seminary
Anatomy of a Law
Most commandments in the Torah are so cryptic that a straightforward perusal will leave the reader without the knowledge necessary to understand or fulfill them
I Will Learn It on a Train, I Will Learn It in the Rain
What was once the province of an elite few is now available for free online in every language
Memories of the Heart
Elisha Wiesel speaks with Lubavitch International about his famous father and raising his children to love Yiddishkeit
From Dealing Drugs To Writing Scrolls
It took years in and out of physiatric wards, and several close brushes with death at the hands of mafia-hitmen and street toughs before Jordan…
Our Most-Read Articles Of 2021
The following were the 10 most-read originally produced articles that published on
Should I Let My Kids Go Caroling?
My kids are part of a local choir, can I let them join their friends to go caroling around the neighborhood? If I add some…
Reb Yoel: Reflections On A Chasidic Prodigy
He shaped the contours of Chabad scholarship over the course of seventy years
Holy Folly: Using Humor to Reach for G-d
How humor can make room for a deeper truth otherwise concealed by the apparitions of this world
After The Collapse
At the site of the collapse, they clamored for something, some remains of their loved one.
Tradition, Tradition!
Is Judaism too ritualistic?
Batter’s Up . . . But Never on Shabbat
Infielder and pitcher Elie Kligman has been running the bases as long as he can remember. One of the top-ranked youth players in Nevada, the…
Statistical Outlier: From Catholic Woman To Chasidic Scholar
Born to an Italian Catholic family in Binghamton, NY, Ani briefly attended Sunday school and took her first Communion, until dropping out of church, with…
Above The Fray
Judaism is neither liberal, nor progressive, nor conservative. It is Judaism. It precedes all of these categories, cuts through them, and floats above them. The…
A Judge and a Jew
Ginsburg, who passed away on September 18 at the age of 87, was memorialized as a brilliant jurist, a tireless advocate for women’s rights, and…
Remembering Miracles and Tragedy Aboard Flight 232
Baruch she-asah li nes ba’makom hazeh.  “Blessed is the One who performed a miracle for me in this place.”  Yisroel Brownstein, a 40-year-old clinical psychologist,…
A Quiet Moment
It is a typical, bustling morning at a middle school in Camarillo, California, and the students are about to take an algebra quiz. But first,…
“G-d” Is Not a Jewish Word
A long pause—I needed to think. Finally, I said: “No, I don’t believe in ‘G-d.’” Another pause. “Not with the meaning that word has in…
To Pray Alone: Days of Awe in the Age of Covid-19
Marc Zell was used to traveling, just not like this. The American-Israeli is an international lawyer, and it was his work in political consulting that…
Defying Religious Stereotypes on Israel’s College Campuses
By the time Zehavit Mohager, a psychology student, began her studies at the University of Haifa at age 23, she had already completed her army…
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