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Today In Jewish History: 20 Teves

Today in Jewish History: 20 Teves, Passing Of Maimonides

The “Rambam,” acronym for Rabbi Moshe ben (son of) Maimon, passed away today, the 20th of Teves in 4965 (1204). Born in Cordoba, Spain on Passover eve in 1135 or 1138, the Rambam became known to the world as Maimonides.

He was of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages, as well as a preeminent astronomer and physician to the world. His fourteen-volume Mishneh Torah carries significant canonical authority as a codification of Talmudic law and his works on philosophy, including the Moreh Nevuchim (Guide to The Perplexed) is studied the world over. When, as a child, his family fled Jewish persecution in Spain they became nomadic wanderers, eventually settling in Morocco and from there: Egypt. In Egypt Maimonides gained world renown as a court physician and community leader, assisting people of any race. He is buried in Tiberias in Israel.

The Tombstone of Moses Maimonides, also known as Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon or the acronym the Rambam

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