Tuesday, / October 22, 2024
Articles Filed Under “Shluchim Of The World”
SOTW: Car Noise
The strange, funny, and meaningful things that happen out in the trenches as Chabad representatives go about their business . . .
SOTW: My Child’s Kvetching
The strange, funny, and meaningful things that happen out in the trenches as Chabad representatives go about their business . . .
SOTW: Kosher in Indiana
The strange, funny and meaningful things that happen out in the trenches as Chabad representatives go about their business . . .
SOTW: Shabbos Goy
The strange, funny and meaningful things that happen out in the trenches as Chabad representatives go about their business . . .
SOTW: The Biggest Hug
The strange, funny and meaningful things that happen out in the trenches as Chabad representatives go about their business . . .
SOTW: Rabbi In A Costume
The strange, funny and meaningful things that happen out in the trenches as Chabad representatives go about their business . . .
SOTW: “Bubby” In Virginia
The strange, funny and meaningful things that happen out in the trenches as Chabad representatives go about their business . . .
SOTW: I Spy In Frisco
The door opened up a tiny crack. “Sorry, not interested,” said the gentleman on the other side.
SOTW: Flood Catastrophe At Chabad
Soon the water began seeping into the hall. By 5:45 it was rising to levels that seemed unsafe
SOTW: Running Commentary
I started running about ten years ago, just to get some oxygen into my brain.
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