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Flashback! Lubavitch Office in Milwaukee Acquires New Center

By , Milawuakee, Wisconsin

In this week's Flashback! presents a news release dated August 1973 announcing the purchase of a new building by Chabad-Lubavitch of Wisconsin that will serve as Chabad's Headquarters for the state.

Always fascinating to track the growth of Jewish life, Chabad of Wisconsin  36 years later has grown beyond recognition. With nine synagogues, 38 institutions and its headquarters facilities since expanded, today, the state's Jewish population is beautifully served by 17 Chabad representatives.


MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin (LNS ) – The Director of the Milwaukee regional office of the Lubavitch movement has announced the acquisition of a new building which will serve as the headquarters for its activities in the State of Wisconsin.

Rabbi Israel Shmotkin, the regional director, said that as a result of its expanding activities especially among high school and college-aged youth, the Friends of Lubavitch in the area were compelled to purchase a building which would be able to house Jewish students and the sprouting educational activities sponsored by the local Lubavitch chapter.

The Lubavitcher office in Milwaukee is one of many such divisions established by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, through his Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, the educational arm of the Lubavitcher movement, in many communities throughout the United States and other countries. Their main objective is to promote Torah observance among all Jews, to stimulate concern and active interest in all levels of Jewish education, and to reach out to alienated Jewish youth.

The new center will be open 24 hours a day, and will provide around the clock counseling and guidance to anyone in need. It will have a Kosher kitchen and snack bar and a well equipped Jewish library. It will provide a wide range of educational programs on Jewish life and learning and weekend retreats primarily for high school and college-age youth, and special weekends for young married couples.

Rabbi Shmotkin stated that in keeping with the Rebbe's recurrent call during recent months that the summer vacation time be utilized to attract young Jewish children – even those before Bar or Bat Mitzvah – to Yiddishkeit, the new center has already opened its doors and has instituted summer recreational and educational programs for young Jewish children.

The new headquarters is a spacious 3 story, 33 room mansion, located at 3109 North Lake Drive, in Milwaukee.



Click here to view a PDF copy of the original press release from 1973


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