Wednesday, / October 23, 2024
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Flashback!: Chabad at UCLA Marks 40th Year

In this week's Flashback! presents a news release dated 1969 announcing Chabad's purchase of its first campus center located adjacent to the UCLA campus.

Today, full-service Chabad Jewish student centers serve more than 130 campuses worldwide. Chabad-Lubavitch also serves many more colleges with Jewish resources and part time Chabad representatives.

Adjacent to UCLA campus – will be open 24 hours a day

LOS-ANGELES (LNS) – The Los Angeles regional office of the Lubavitcher movement has announced the opening of its new center located adjacent to the UCLA campus.

In announcing the opening of the new facility, the regional representatives Rabbi S.D. Raichik and Rabbi S. Cunin said that the new center will be open 24 hours a day, to offer its services to the thousands of Jewish college students on the campus.

The new Lubavitch Center will house a synagogue for daily prayer.

It will sponsor a wide variety of educational programs on Jewish lifE and learning, and retreats on weekends when the students have more free time.

It has a Kosher kitchen and snack bar and a well stacked Jewish library.

Though primarily aimed to help the Jewish college youth on the campus, the center will make all its programs, including its 24 hour a day counselling and guidance service, available to any in need or to anyone desiring to utilize them.

The cost of the new Lubavitch Center was $300,000., and is located at
741 Gayley Avenue, in Los Angeles.
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