Tuesday, / October 22, 2024
Posts by: S.B. Nemanow
6 Results
Six Years After Mumbai Attack, Chabad House Reopens
“We can overcome challenges, even the most horrific of challenges. We can and must rebuild, and this building serves as a beacon of light and…
CTeen Europe Shabbaton Gives Jewish Teenagers a Boost of Jewish Pride
Jewish Teens spend a weekend together, having fun and making lifelong connections
A Walk Through the Pages of History
In 1475, a Hebrew printing press in southern Italy printed a book that stands as one of the earliest examples of an industry that would…
Built on Inclusiveness, New Center Shapes Aspen’s Jewish Community
The $18 million building was at least a decade in the making. Now complete, the Mintzs say this is only a beginning. “We have to…
Israeli PM Inscribes Torah Letter for IDF
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hosted a delegation from Chabad and inscribed a letter in a new Torah Scroll that will be dedicated in merit of…
Blog: Mumbai on My Mind
While our soldiers are in the trenches fighting with their lives to hold on to our tiny homeland, when so many would like to see…
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