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Jewish Public School Children Thrive at Florida Afterschool Program
Rabbi Moishe Kievman, Chabad representative in Highland Lakes, who co-directs the program together with his wife, Layah, says the school has grown by word-of-mouth. Children…
By Mendy Rimler

Kosher Culture: Jewish, Muslim Students Cook in Sydney
60 Jewish and Muslim school children cooked side by side Wednesday in Bondi’s Our Big Kitchen, a Chabad run community kitchen in Sydney, Australia.
By Mendy Rimler

Azerbaijani President, Israeli Dignitaries, Inaugurate New Jewish School
A moderate Muslim country and neighbor to Iran, Baku, Azerbaijan will now be home to a new campus in the Ohr Avner school system in…
By Mendy Rimler

After 20 Years, the Sukkah Reunites Old Friends
Schechter noticed a familiar face when he entered the Sukkah with the other guests, but he could not be sure of the man’s identity. Then…
By Mendy Rimler

New Zealand Chabad House Gets Green Sign After Earthquake
The Chabad House has been inspected and approved by local authorities for use after last week’s major earthquake caused damage to the city’s roads and…
By Mendy Rimler

Thousands Walk For Friendship in Michigan
Some 5,000 people participated in the annual “Walk4Friendship” yesterday, raising close to 500K for the Friendship Circle in Michigan.
By Mendy Rimler

New Zealand Synagogue Spared Damage by Earthquake
Only a few days before the worst earthquake to hit New Zealand in 80 years struck, renovations on the Canterbury Hebrew Synagogue were completed.
By Mendy Rimler

Kosher Comes to Bradley University
This fall, Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois will be building two new kosher kitchens—one dairy, and one meat—to better accommodate its staff, faculty and 285…
By Mendy Rimler

Nevada’s Jewish Day School Opens New Building
As schools across the country open their doors this September some 180 students of the Desert Torah Academy will be entering a brand new, state-of-the-art…
By Mendy Rimler

Larry King to Host Chabad Telethon
CNN television personality Larry King will be hosting the special 30th anniversary Chabad “To Life!” telethon, to be broadcast live from Hollywood this Sunday.
By Mendy Rimler

Passover Parade In Chicago
( Sporting T-shirts with “This Passover, Experience Your Freedom,” 75 rabbinical students and schoolchildren packed into 13 fifteen-passenger vans last Tuesday on a parade that…
By Mendy Rimler

After 80 Years, Key to Baltimore Presented to Chabad
Initially intended to be presented by Mayor William Frederick Broening to the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn
By Mendy Rimler

In Australia, Chabad Summer Camp Draws Record Numbers
It’s summer in Australia, and despite a depressing economy, the numbers at Camp Gan Israel of Melbourne have grown, says camp director Rabbi Moshe Kahn.
By Mendy Rimler

Uruguayan President Vázquez meets with Chabad
Uruguayan President Tabaré Vázquez met last Monday with members and friends of Chabad-Lubavitch of Uruguay, headed by Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov.
By Mendy Rimler
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