Saturday, / July 27, 2024
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Israeli Opposition Leader and head of the Zionist Union Mr. Isaac (Bougie) Herzog was invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Parliament to visit Moscow this week. During his visit, he was escorted by Chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Berel Lazar on a tour of the Jewish Museum, the Jewish Chesed Center, and other Jewish institutions. As part of the tour, Herzog was shown the famous Schneerson Library, which was transferred from Vladimir Putin to the museum about two years ago. 

Mr. Herzog showed great interest in the history that stands behind these books, asking many questions as he perused the collection.

“I am excited to see that in a place where the practice of Judaism was forbidden for many decades, there is now such a strong and fruitful revival of Yiddishkeit,” He said. “But there is no doubt that the highlight of my visit was the privilege of being able to look through the holy books of the Chabad dynasty, which are now once again a part of the Jewish community in Moscow, a community that is blossoming and flourishing under the leadership of Rabbi Berl Lazar, who personally merited the blessings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.”

Asked about his thoughts on Mr. Putin, Herzog spoke of his role in international affairs. “Today he has the special opportunity of being able to improve the situation in the Middle East.”


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