Saturday, / July 27, 2024
Lubavitch News Service
Florida Governor Visits Chabad Shul to Sign Two New Bills
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis visited the Chabad Shul of Bal Harbour last week to sign two bills into law that have direct significance to the…
Camp Gan Israel, Sleepaway Edition
55 Attend CKids’ Inaugural Overnight Camp
New Courses in Jewish Texts For Millennials in Former Soviet Union Cities
Twenty new academies of higher Jewish learning in the former Soviet Union opened their doors in the past month. The move spells a dramatic shift…
Los Angeles Principal Receives Prestigious Award
Teachers and students at the Cheder Menachem day school in Los Angeles were called for an assembly on Monday. All they knew was that one…
New Building for Growing Moscow School
Hundreds turned out last week to mark the dedication of a new building for Moscow’s Cheder Menachem Jewish day school. Standing near the Marina Roscha…
Eighth Grader in Beijing Bakes Cakes To Sponsor Friends
When Devorah Freundlich, 13, of Beijing, China, is not busy with her schoolwork, she’s popping cakes out of the oven in her mom’s kitchen. They…
NCFJE Celebrates 70 Years
Last Sunday, November 21, 700 guests joined the National Committee For Furtherance of Jewish Education at a 70 year anniversary celebration Chelsea Piers Pier 60.
Nevada’s Jewish Day School Opens New Building
As schools across the country open their doors this September some 180 students of the Desert Torah Academy will be entering a brand new, state-of-the-art…
Chabad Rabbi’s Online Torah Class Grows Popular
Five million minutes. That’s how much time users have logged joining an online broadcast hosted by a Chabad rabbi as he delivers a daily dose…
Jewish Children of Russian Immigrants At Winter Camp
For 20 Russian Jewish boys from Brooklyn, Staten Island and New Jersey, a weeklong winter camp this past December in Monticello, New York, offered them…
Braids that Bind: Jewish Women Connect Through Challah Baking
At the University of Connecticut, fresh loaves of Challah serve as a bond for the students and local seniors.
At U.S. Campuses, Jewish Students Break The New Year In With Chabad
( As millions of college students packed up their IPODS and laptops and headed back to school, Chabad-Lubavitch campus representatives nationwide waited to welcome them. Students…
Chabad Retreat in Salt Lake City Draws Jews from Boise, Plano, Missoula . . .
( Nadine Veibell is still looking for words to adequately capture her experience at the National Jewish Retreat over the Fourth of July weekend at…
Chabad’s Jewish Learning Institute To Probe Fundamentals of Faith
( How did the world get here? If the Universe has a Creator, does He run the world? How does G-d communicate with us? Who…
Chabad Celebrates Chanukah With Special Needs Children
Fifty children with various developmental delays and physical challenges and seventy-five teenage volunteer buddies will craft menorahs, played dreidel games and sing together at at…
Young Readers, Jewish Day Schools, Gear Up for Kehot’s (Chabad) 2007 Book-A-Thon
The 21 days from November 4-25 promise to be quiet ones for Jewish children around the world who have signed up for the Kehot Book-A-Thon.…
Chabad Leaders Support Illinois Law Mandating Moment of Silence
Since the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed mandatory school prayer in 1962, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, advocated passionately for, at minimum, a moment of…
On Campus: After Katrina, Chabad Builds New Student Center At Tulane
Two years after Hurricane Katrina put Chabad of Tulane’s plans for expansion on hold indefinitely, a new 6,000 square foot Rohr Chabad Student Center, with…
Inside Chabad: A Big Brother Program To Nurture Children of Shluchim
Zevi and Levi Feldman, ages 10 and 12 are brothers. They're also best friends. The boys live with their parents, Rabbi Mendel and Basya Chana…
Chabad-Lubavitch of Greater Boynton Attracts A Young, Booming Community
Opening a brand new preschool with an Italian twist, buying a new 3-acre plot for expansion, and planning for more satellite centers, Chabad of Greater…
Chabad School Embraces Multiage Classroom Model
Chabad continues to push the envelope of the possible. While large Chabad schools are important education providers in major cities, Chabad centers increasingly sustain schools…
Breaking News: Chabad Columbia Jewish Day School First in State to Receive NAEYC New Standards Accreditation
After successfully meeting 425 rigorous criteria, Chabad of South Carolina received word yesterday that its school is the first in the state to receive a…
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