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Machne Israel Development Fund Announces Major Gift

The Chabad Early Childhood Initiative

By , Brooklyn, NY

( Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman of Machne Israel, has announced a major gift by Mr. & Mrs. David Slager to the Machne Israel Development Fund. The funds will be used to create the Chabad Early Childhood Initiative to promote Jewish continuity through the development of Jewish preschools. 

The Slagers have committed a sum of $5,000,000 to this initiative. 

“The generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Slager, and their profound insight and concern for the education of today’s generation of children bodes well for the future of Judaism,” says Rabbi Krinsky. “This investment in the infrastructure of our early childhood education system will surely impact future generations of the Jewish people.” 

Requests for funding have been pouring into the MIDF offices at Lubavitch Headquarters even before the gift was officially announced. 

An advisory committee of early childhood educational professionals, shluchim and experienced preschool directors with extensive knowledge of contemporary preschool educational methodologies and managerial structures will evaluate applications for approval.  

Manhattan’s Chabad of the West Side Early Learning Center will provide guidance in the development of the grant-receiving preschools.  

The Machne Israel Development Fund was established by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of blessed memory, in 1984, as a funding organization for sustaining the growth and expansion of Chabad-Lubavitch activities worldwide.

Official application forms for this program may be requested by Chabad institutions from: The Chabad Childhood Initiative, MIDF-Lubavitch, 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York 11213, or by email at:


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