Wednesday, / February 12, 2025
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February Is Jewish Inclusion Month

Will You Join The JDAIM2018 Campaign?

Inclusion seems to be the buzzword of the year. But what does it mean?

This February the Ruderman Chabad Inclusion Initiative has partnered with Friendship Circle International to get this word into the limelight.

The goal of the two organizations is to spread the idea of acceptance through social media. February is the ideal time, as “JDAIM2018”—representing the Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month—is fast becoming a hashtag sensation. Followed by a “#JustAsk,” their facebook, instagram and twitter accounts are sending a message.

According to its mission statement, JDAIM2018 plans to: “raise awareness and foster inclusion of people with disabilities and mental health conditions by honoring the gifts and strengths that each one of us possesses.” The message of inclusion is to be spread far and wide.

As of now, 82 Friendship Circles across 6 continents are on board. This includes 25,000 “friendships.”

Still don’t get it? As the 2018 hashtag will tell you: “Just ask.”

Join the share on social media with Friendship Circle ( and RCII (

And for the JDAIM2018 twibbon:


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