Saturday, / July 27, 2024
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Ep. 24: Bagels, Bears & Baalei Teshuva in Berkeley

In Episode 24 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, reporter/producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Rabbi Yehuda and Rebbetzin Miriam Ferris who, for the last 40 years, have shared the beauty of the Torah with the Jews of freewheeling Berkeley, California. The Ferrises are a good fit there because, like the people they serve, they are characters themselves.  

Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier is producing a series of moving, beautifully produced, sound-rich and often surprising stories of Chabad shluchim and the people they inspire in every corner of the world. 

To pitch a story for our podcast about Chabad emissaries email us at

Comment 1
  • Yosef Mordechai Gati

    Shalom Editor ,

    I have an Amazing Story about a Shaliach that I learned with in 770 when he was 19 years old . Today he is World Famous Please e-mail me and you will have the story for your Lubavitch Intetnational Magazine
    Thank You
    Yosef Mordechai Gati Queens , N. Y


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