Friday, / September 20, 2024
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Chicago Chabad Brings Jewish Resources to DNC

As thousands of guests, dignitaries and elected officials converge on Chicago, Illinois for the Democratic National Convention, Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois is prepared to welcome Jewish visitors to the city.

Chabad Jewish Center of South Loop, led by Rabbi Mordechai and Mushky Gershon, has created a “Chabad Hub” near the McCormick Place Convention Center, where the DNC will take place. Chabad will offer daily minyanim for prayers, a kosher buffet breakfast, and kosher meal options throughout the day.

Chabad can also be found at the Convention itself—at Booth #213—with a variety of materials and mitzvah opportunities on hand for everyone who comes by.

Rabbi Avraham Kagan is the director of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois’ office of Government Affairs. Chabad, he says, will be on site doing its thing: providing Jewish resources and raising awareness of the universal moral principles codified in the Seven Noahide Laws. They will also offer customized ARK charity boxes to share the importance of acts of kindness, as taught by the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

“The ARK encourages daily acts of giving, turning each of us into giving people and changing the world,” said Rabbi Meir Moscowitz, Regional Director of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, which partnered in sponsoring the initiative. “As elected officials and guests from around the world gather in Chicago, we look forward to inspiring a heightened sense of moral and purposeful living.”

Daily Shacharit services will take place near the DNC in Chicago
A Minyan at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois
Chabad will provide Jewish convention-goers with a deluxe kosher buffet breakfast

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