Saturday, / July 27, 2024
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A Renovated Mikvah for Mumbai’s Jewish Community

By , Mumbai, India

Chabad representative to Mumbai, India Rabbi Chanoch Gechtman is currently working together with community members to renovate a local ritual bath. Located in Tiferet Israel, a local synagogue, the Mikvah was built by slain representatives Rabbi Gavriel and Rivky Holtzberg six years ago, but had since fallen into disrepair after the 2008 terror attacks.

Rabbi Gechtman, who renewed a lease with Tiferet Israel in order to begin restoration of the Mikvah will rededicate the facility, now nearing completion. The bath itself had fallen below Halachic standards, and the ceiling, ventilating and heating systems also required immediate repair. New tiles have been also installed, completing the now elegant, state-of-the-art Mikvah.

“We renovated everything,” said Rabbi Gechtman, who settled in Mumbai this past September together with his wife, Leah. “It was important that the final result would be beautiful, in memory of the Holtzbergs who invested so much effort into the Mikvah.”

The recent work on the Mikvah, which was funded by local business people, is part of the Gechtman’s efforts to resume the work of the Holtzbergs, serving visiting business people, travelers, and the local community.


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