Saturday, / July 27, 2024
Lubavitch News Service
New Center: Bushey, England, Rabbi Yosef and Goldie Sharfstein
Chabad opens new center in Bushey, England! Welcome, Rabbi Yosef and Goldie Sharfstein!
New Zealand Jewish Community Creates Stone of Peace
The stone from the New Zealand Jewish community reads “peace” in more than one language.
2,500 Teens Join International Conference
One teen survived a suicide attempt, another lost his mother to addiction. One prevailed on her public school to add the Jewish holidays to their…
Chabad in Russia Honors International Holocaust Remembrance Day
A Holocaust memorial event in Moscow’s Jewish Museum this week brought together 200 men and women, local dignitaries, and diplomats from the United States, Germany,…
International Conference of Shluchos Begins
The thirtieth annual International Conference of Shluchos, known as “The Kinus”, begins today in Brooklyn, New York. Over 3,000 women—directors and lay leaders of Chabad…
Newly-Renovated Mikvah Dedicated in Moscow
In a place where mikvahs were strictly prohibited and had to be used secretly, the eighteen-year-old men’s mikvah at the Marina Roscha synagogue in Moscow,…
24th Year of Winter Camp for Shluchim’s Children
Shluchim’s children spent ten days connecting with their peers at the 24th annual Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camp for shluchim’s children in Florida.
Fifty College Students Visit Holocaust Sites
Last week Chabad on Campus’ Living Links project brought fifty college kids from across the US on a 6 day journey of rediscovery at some…
Home Depot’s Chanukah Takeover
Hundreds of kids and their families turned out for the Pre-Chanukah Chabad Westmount jKIDS Menorah event at the HomeDepot. Choosing from a variety of crafts,…
In Berlin, Jewish Students Remember Kristallnacht
Some 30 students at the Jewish Traditional School in Berlin joined Rabbi Yehuda Teichtel of Chabad of Berlin to light candles and sing prayers in…
One thousand students attend Chabad on Campus Shabbaton in Brooklyn, NY
Students spend Shabbat of camaraderie and Jewish growth in the heart of Chabad
Rabbi Krinsky Tours “LifeTown,” New Jersey’s 53,000 sq. ft. Facility for People with Special Needs
Sunday, Oct. 14., Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky visited the new 53,000 sq. ft. LifeTown in Livingston, NJ. The center is designed as a safe space for…
Celebrating Sukkot at The White House
Staffers and senior officials at the @whitehouse this week, including Mrs. @ivankatrump celebrated Sukkot with a lulav shake! #ChabadDC #Sukkot #Lulav
Rosh Hashana Goodies Baked on Houston TV
Houston Life hosts Rabbi Chaim Lazaroff of Chabad of Uptown in Houston, TX for a pre-Rosh Hashana baking demo.
Getting Ready for Shabbat On Tel Aviv’s Sunny Beaches
For six years, this paraglider has been making waves on the beaches of Tel Aviv. Each Friday, tens of thousands of tourists and residents look…
Outgoing Paraguayan President Thanked by Jewish Community
Rabbi Levi Feigelstock met with President Manuel Horacio Cartes Jara to thank him for moving the Paraguayan Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
Prime Minister of Australia Cooks for the Needy
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull visited Our Big Kitchen, a community kitchen with a mission to feed the needy of Sydney’s Jewish community.
International Summer Camp for kids from Chabad outsposts
150 kids from 21 countries gather for ‘Shluchim Shtetl’ summer camp in Ukraine. They may be diverse in their languages, but they share a common…
Videos & Galleries
Videos & Galleries
Campus Chabad Rebbetzins Gather in Israel to Inspire and Be Inspired
3,000 Teens Converge on Times Square In A Show of Jewish Pride
At the Farmer’s Market
Zambia’s Chabad Rabbi Meets Presidents of Zambia, Israel
700th Chapter for Cteen in Estonia!
81st Annual Commemoration of Babi Yar Massacre in Kyiv
97-Year-Old World War II Vet Gets Surprise Medal Ceremony at Chabad of San Antonio
Rabbi Shalom Stambler Awarded for Work With Warsaw’s Jewish Community
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